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For more information, contact:
Jeff Hall (+1) 647-409-3570 / jhall@cpma.ca

Check our Produce Innovators Listings Below

in our Produce Innovation Hub Directory

Spornado Sampler

Early Detection, Better Prevention

mapMarkerGrey 219 Dufferin Street, Suite 5C,...


Bio-based coatings for a circular world

Vertically Urban

Empowering the Intelligent Farms of the Future

mapMarkerGrey Vertically Urban...

Avarai: The highly dexterous robotic sol

Bringing a delicate touch to soft produce packing

mapMarkerGrey Explorer 2 Netpark, Thomas Wri...

BioSafe Systems

Simply Sustainable. Always Effective.​™

mapMarkerGrey 22 Meadow Street, East Hartfor...